Friday, April 19, 2013

Faculty meeting Friday April19, 2013

As the meeting started President Kopp sat at a table with a full glass of water in front of him, Kopp was calmly but frequently sipping from his glass. We are in this together is a phrase President Kopp repeated more than once during the faculty meeting Friday at the Newman Center on the Marshall University campus. The Marshall University president wanted everyone to know that he was willing to try his hardest to make right of a situation that many have said he put himself and the university in.

 President Kopp was allowed ten minutes to speak as the meeting began and one of the first statements he made was “we need to come together and decide how we are going to manage our affairs.” This statement stood out since their will be a vote of ‘no confidence’ no later than May 1 and if 70 percent of faculty vote ‘no confidence’ Kopp will no longer be the president of the University. President Kopp didn’t look like a man who was close to losing his job, he took his time with his answers and didn’t panic.

The meeting lasted for 3 hours with faculty members asking questions to president Kopp up until the very end of the meeting. Faculty members showed no fear of Kopp and didn’t back down when asking him questions. Whether or not president Kopp will be voted out or remain Marshall University president remains to be seen, but both sides had their chance to voice their opinions and state facts with neither side willing to budge or give up ground.

It was 1:56pm as the meeting concluded, president Kopp sat with the same glass that was once full of water in front of him except now the glass was empty. Kopp had an opportunity to refill his glass from a nearby water bottle but instead he drank until it was empty, never once attempting to replenish what he had used.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Reaction to the 2013 State of The Union

The State of The Union 2013, the fourth given by President Barack Obama informed citizens of the agenda and methods to be used by the President during his second term. My predictions of what topics President Barack Obama would address the State of The Union was somewhat accurate.

The President began the night giving a summary of what topics were to be covered in his speech. President Obama briefly spoke about bringing troops home, an improving economy and job creation.

President Obamas first topic of the night was about the government working for the people. Obama said a smarter government and not a bigger government is what the people need

President Obama said “The American people don’t expect the government to solve every issue. They don’t expect those of us in this chamber to agree on every issue but they do expect us to put the nation’s interest before party.”

President Obama then turned his focus to the economy and reducing the deficit. I predicted the president to talk about the economy, one of the most important topics concerning the country. Tax cuts were talked about as I predicted they would be discussed. President Obama offered solutions and plans to reduce spending as well as ways to help progress the nation. Obama said nothing he would propose tonight as solutions would increase the deficit by a single dime.

Health care was a topic I did not predict President Obama would address.

President Obama said “We must accept the need of modest reform.”

Health care is still a big issue in our country, President Obama early on in his speech addressed a need for the wealthiest of Americans along with the middle class to work together to support the nation. Reforms from either party were given as alternate solutions as long as they didn’t violate the guarantee of a secure retirement.

President Obama talked about job creation, a topic I predicted he would discuss. Apple making products in the United States and companies investing in broad based growth were ways Obama discussed that things would be different.

President Obama discussed climate change and events that have occurred around the world and told congress that these events probably were not a coincidence. Climate change was a topic that piggy backed into a discussion about a clean energy movement and how us as a nation, should take advantage of the opportunities presented by the use of clean energy. I predicted Obama would speak about clean energy since it has been one of those most talked about issues since the presidential debates.

President Obama said “America’s energy sector is just one part of an aging infrastructure badly in need of repair.”

President Obama touched on a lot of topics during the inauguration some of which I predicted correctly and some I did not touch on. One thing I believe remains consistent about Obama throughout his presidency is a willingness to work and compromise. Change was the slogan of Obama’s campaign 4 years ago and change along with compromise on behalf of both parties is the only way for the nation to succeed.




Monday, February 11, 2013

Preview of The 2013 State of the Union

The state of the union is a speech given annually by the President to inform citizens about the agenda to be set forth by his cabinet.  President Barack Obama will give his fourth State of the Union (SOTU) address Tuesday, Feb 12. The speech will take place at the House Chamber to a joint session of the 113th Congress.

During the SOTU, President Obama will lay out the plan of his office for the upcoming fiscal year. Obama hinted at what topics he might address at the Presidential Inauguration. A big issue will be gun control, expect the President to reiterate the policies he recently supported such as improving background checks for those attempting to obtain a gun and a ban on military-style assault weapons.

 Job creation has been a big topic of debate since Obama took office, expect the President to discuss his plan for creating more jobs and lowering the unemployment rate.  During the inauguration and Presidential debates, Obama discussed having a better infrastructure in regards to creating more jobs, expect a plan on how this will be accomplished. The President spoke about how important schools and teachers were to the nation and how this would help with the creation of jobs not only in the immediate future but also years down the road.

“We can’t have an energy strategy for the last century that traps us in the past. We need an energy strategy for the future – an all-of-the-above strategy for the 21st century that develops every source of American-made energy.” - President Barack Obama, March 15, 2012

Piggy backing off of the creation of jobs, the President Obama will reiterate his policies on clean energy and explain how his stance will help to create jobs within filed of work. Obama supports clean energy and has said before it would help stimulate the economy and help job growth.

 Tax cuts is still a big issue and among the people. Obama wants to make sure he continues to protect the middle class, President Obama will touch on the fiscal cliff bill set in motion that has already saved middle class families from potential tax hikes.

The economy remains a big issue within our country , Obama said  "the state of our economy is a concern that rises above all others," the State of the Union will take place two weeks before congress is set to meet and discuss the next set of economic deadlines.  Obama will lay out a plan of how the country will move forward in regards to improving the economy. Addressing the debt ceiling and cutting the spending budget will be hot topics for President Obama as well.

"It will reflect our shared interests in the following areas: advancing a comprehensive nuclear agenda to strengthen the nonproliferation regime, reduce global stockpiles and secure nuclear materials," Vice President Joe Biden said, when asked about the State of the Union.

With a period of war ending the President Obama will explain ways the U.S. will improve on its relationship with other countries around the world. Obama said that ending a decade of war and the amount of nuclear weapons around the world will make this a safer planet for everyone.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Predictions about the Feburary 2013 State of the Union

To: Editor
From: Lawren Hightower
Date: 1-28-13

Subject: Predictions about what President Barak Obama will say in the state of the union address February 12, 2013

Scope: Compare and contrast previous state of the unions by President Obama and other presidents and discuss which ways I believe that President Obama will handle the state of the union speech that will be given on February 12, 2013.

Need: It is a significant event because it will be the first state of the union for President Obama during his second term as President of the United State of America and just his fourth overall as the president.

Methods/Sources: I will watch and record the State of the Union on CNN, after I watch it once I will watch it again to gauge crowd reactions and get a better understanding. I will use the databases provided at and ABC to provide additional analysis. I expect the president to address the financial state of the nation early on and throughout the speech. The state of the union will be just 2 weeks before congress is set to address the next set of economic deadlines. The financial state of our country has been a touchy issue since the president initially took office four years ago, so addressing the issue and providing the people with a plan as to how we will forward in the handling of this crisis will be important. Expect the president to address equal rights, one of president Obamas strongest qualities since being elected president is tackling these tough issues regarding same sex marriages and equal women’s rights, by addressing these issues the president will make sure to keep some of his biggest supporters happy. President Obama will no doubt defend his position and continue to defend his decisions to tax the wealthy more than the middle class, a decision that isn’t the most popular among the people.

Presentation: An op-ed column of about 800 words discussing the event. Sources will be sited. First paragraph would be about the topics he touched upon and in which order. The second paragraph will be if these are the issues that the president was expected to touch upon. The third paragraph will be about reactions and what the plan for the country is moving forward.

Follow up: A follow up could be if the President has followed through on his word, whether or not there has been circumstances that may have occurred that has altered the original plan of the president. Comparing and contrasting the Presidents first term through the first couple months to the Presidents first couple of months of his second term.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

MLK shares his day with Barack Obama.

Martin Luther King Jr was the face of the civil rights movement, his energy and devotion for everyone in this nation to have equal rights was matched by very few. MLK day 2013 showed how much this country has come since the days of protesting and boycotting throughout the 1960's. Our 44th president of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama was inaugurated in Washington D.C. the same Washington D.C. that King gave his famous "I have a dream" speech in the summer of 1963.

Obama and King both share similar qualities, King fought for the rights of African Americans while Obama fights for the rights of women, and same sex couples. King and Obama have both won the Nobel peace prize. Obama and King both have "the gift of gab" which in layman's terms is an outstanding the ability to speak, both have used this gift to educate, convince and lead. King and Obama had to overcome odds, King dealt segregation and racism in the 60's while Obama defied odds to become the first President in U.S. history of African American decent, both men overcame these odds to sit in the positions of power that they each have respectively held.

CNN reported that a more than a million people attended the inauguration despite the fidget temperatures. The reported attendance for the 2009 presidential inauguration was a estimated 1.8 million people.Every elected president in United States history has an presidential inauguration, the first taking place on the balcony of Federal Hall in New York City, New York.
We are watching history," Anderson Cooper, CNN correspondent said.

Respect is not earned its given, Obama and King used their talents and abilities to earn the respect of many people while helping to shape to our country. This is not a matter of opinion, its a fact that both men's legacy will forever be entrenched in the history books of our nation. Could it be that Obama is the face of a modern day civil rights movement with his support of equal rights for women and same sex marriages, the same position that King held during the civil rights movements of the 60's.

"King and Obama shared an important trait that allowed them to flourish: Both knew how to reach out and become acceptable to key elements of the white community so they could build multiracial coalitions to effect change. They also had to appeal to black constituencies while not offending whites," said  William Douglas and David Lightman:
MLK and Obama: a day of similarities | Nation | News from Fort Worth, Dallas, Arlington,...

The bible used at the inauguration to swear in President Obama is one that was once used by King, as well as one used by former President Abraham Lincoln. Who knows, one day maybe we will be celebrating BHO day, that's short for Barack Hussein Obama day.

Read more here:

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

2013 NYT's Proposal for MLK/Inauguration Column

To: Editor
From: Lawren Hightower

Subject: MLK birthday/Presidential inauguration on the same day.

Scope: We will discuss the presidential inauguration being on Martin Luther King’s day and the significance of the event. We will compare the 2009 record-breaking inauguration to this year’s expectation during the anticipated frigid weather.

Need: It is a significant event in that the first president in United States history is to be sworn in on a day dedicated to one of the nations most successful and relentless civil rights leaders.

Methods/Sources: The reasoning behind the story is that everyone needs to understand the magnitude of the event that is set to take place that weekend. There are significant event that occur in a lifetime that people will forever remember where they were and what they were doing. Whether a person likes the president/MLK or even weather they don’t history will be made on this day and people should explained the significance. The cable television show “CNN presidential inauguration”. The History channel’s four-day special on Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement. Various newspapers may be used to supports opinions or add insight. USA today. Interviews from professors and students n their pinion about the two events falling on the same day. The New York Times database will be used to gather information as well.

Presentation: An op-ed column of about 1000 words discussing the event and the correlation between them. Sources sited. First paragraph would be about how far the nation has progressed, second paragraph would pertain to the correlation between the two and the amount of people expected to show up in regardless of the weather conditions. The third paragraph will be about the possibilities of our nation going forward in respect to diversity and the U.S. becoming a more accepting culture a whole.

Follow up: A follow up could be about the results of the turn out and whether the amount of people who show up to the inauguration could mean a rise in presidential support or a decline. This op-ed would also contain what the people would like to see from the president.
Assignment #2

The Nation Heads Back to School With New Worries About Safety: By. Mokoto Rich

In this article Rich touches on the safety of schools after the New Town school shootings. Rich angels the article in a way to for everyone to relate to but also mentions specific cities by name. There is plenty of attribution throughout the article, Rich touches bases with as many different people as possible to provide readers with different points of view to relate to. the article ends with a quote which is unorthodox but with this particular article it works. Several other journalist helped contribute to this article and they all received credit at the end of the article.

 Armstrong Admits Doping, and Says He Will Testify: By Juliet Macur 

This article reacts to the reports that Lance Armstrong will admit that he used PED's during his career. Macur does a good job of staying neutral throughout the story, nor accusing or defending Armstrong. Macur does a good job of getting insight from employes of the U.S. anti doping agency as well as employees of the Livestrong foundation Armstrong created.